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Tanya Curtis the Founder of The Body Life Skills Program

Tanya founded The Body Life Skills Program based on her clinical work and the principles of Functional Behaviour Assessment, an evidence-based analytical tool to investigate why an unwanted behaviour is used. Body Life Skills offers all people a simple way of re-building a relationship with them-selves and, in doing so, deepen their understanding of their own behaviours in relation to those of others and the situations they find themselves in. Through this process, the necessary skills to respond to any and all circumstances in life in a desirable (wanted) or preferred way can be more easily embraced, learnt and implemented.

The Body Life Skills Program offers a simple, practical, user-friendly and life-changing 3-step process that brings about lasting behaviour change.

The Body Life Skills Program is based on the approach Tanya has been applying with her clients and equally with herself and her own behaviours for many years. It is a simple methodology that we can all use and benefit from. The Body Life Skills program is down to earth and everyday real, very practical, easy to understand and apply and always comes with a generous dose of Tanya's unique qualities – the love, understanding and genuine appreciation of all without exception; her dedication, sincerity, unwavering commitment and light-hearted and joyful approach to what others might regard as being beyond redemption.

To create lasting behaviour change, we must be willing to identify the reason why a behaviour is used, knowing that, without exception, no behaviour ever happens out of the blue. At its core, The Body Life Skills Program is based on and understands that all unwanted behaviour is a result of anxiety first and that skills need to be taught and not expected.  

FABIC is based on evidence-based Functional Behaviour Assessment.


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When we do not feel equipped to handle and deal with what is in front of us, the likelihood of experiencing anxiety is very high.

Anxiety = what is felt and expressed in the BODY, when we do not feel equipped = meaning that you perceive that you do not have the SKILLS – to deal with what is in front of you (LIFE).

With this understanding we embrace that:

When a person perceives that they have the required skills to respond to what life is presenting, their body is more likely to express by using wanted or preferred behaviours, words, thoughts and feelings.

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  • Identifying when a BODY (your own or another person’s) is reacting (using non-preferred or unwanted behaviour) to LIFE (the reason for behaviour).

  • Identifying the reason … the part of LIFE the person perceives they do not YET have all the required SKILLS to respond to.

  • Learning the SKILLS so they (or we) feel equipped and ready to commit to life fully, without trepidation or reservation.

​When implemented successfully, The Body Life Skills Program brings about positive and lasting change for individuals, families, groups, organisations and government departments working in the fields of behaviour management, mental health, disability, correctional services, education and psychological wellbeing – and in many cases where all other attempts have failed.

For more information, please visit

For a library of videos on The Body Life Skills Program, including the ones shown here, please visit our Fabic YouTube Channel.

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Senior Behaviour Specialist Tanya Curtis developed the Body Life Skills program when she realised that Functional Behaviour Assessment, an evidence-based approach to finding the reason or function of a behaviour, was too time-consuming and costly and could only be administered by trained professionals.


Tanya simplified the process and broke it down into three important steps that encapsulate a person's experience leading up to and out of non-preferred or unwanted behaviour. And thus, the Body Life Skills methodology is easy to understand, simple to use in everyday life and very practical. In fact, its simplicity can be a stumbling block for some who have tried all and sundry and come to believe that the answers are hidden in complexity and academic expertise.


And while the Body Life Skills program is methodical and precise, as is Tanya in her day to day clinical work with the many clients who have often been everywhere else, it is first and foremost simple. It is also easily and immediately applicable right across the board and for all of us, whether with or without a diagnosis. After all, who can truly say that they are not using behaviour they would prefer not to be using?


The Body Life Skills program is for those who are serious about taking responsibility, working towards true and lasting change and living to their full potential.


3 steps to understanding and changing behaviour

Introducing The Body Life Skills Program

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This is Tanya's first book in the Body Life Skills series. It is very practical and easy to read but likewise profound in its scope. Book 1 simplifies and demystifies what can often be perceived as quite challenging and complex i.e., anything to do with behaviour change. It is a great introduction to the Body Life Skills program and explains the principles that found her revolutionary framework. It offers an overview of all three steps, Body, Life and Skills, breaking each component further down, so the program can be accessed by all. 


Tanya Curtis has made sure that you don't need to be smart, skilled or so-called 'intelligent' to grasp what she presents in this program. Tanya knows that the wisdom and science in this series of books are innate in all of us and hence something we can in truth all relate to and understand. 


Understanding Life & Our Behaviour Choices

The second book in the Body Life Skills foundational series brings focus to step 2 = Life. It will support the reader to come to an understanding of life and what Senior Behaviour Specialist Tanya Curtis calls the classroom of life. This is where our many life lessons are presented over and over again until we are willing and responsible enough to commit to the next lesson on offer. Tanya demonstrates that life impacts on all our behaviour choices, which then depend on whether we perceive we are equipped to deal with what life presents or not YET. Life is a crucial step when we are serious about bringing and supporting lasting behaviour change for ourselves and others.


This book is not YET available and still being written. 

Practical Skills for Lasting Behaviour Change

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Behaviour change models abound, but are relief-based strategies, solutions and so-called behaviour management really working? What Tanya came to realise in her clinical work was that, at best, they provided short-term reprieve and an opportunity to come up for air in a tidal wave of non-preferred or unwanted behaviours. 


In this book, Senior Behaviour Specialist Tanya Curtis emphasises that skills have to be taught and cannot be expected or, in other words, taken for granted. It is at the skills level of the BLS program that lasting behaviour change can become a reality and lives get turned around.


Tanya has always said that it is her job to make her job redundant by supporting her clients and all to self-master the lessons in their classroom of life. 


This book details the steps of self-mastery and offers a way forward to bring about lasting behaviour change.


So, there is work to be done and Tanya is ready. Are you?




To support the practical application of the Body Life Skills program in daily life and on the go, Tanya Curtis developed the Body Life Skills app. It is a useful and vey handy adjunct to the book series that puts lasting behaviour change at your fingertips.


Senior Behaviour Specialist Tanya Curtis knows for a fact that we all use behaviours all day every day and that we would prefer not to be using some or a lot of them but can find ourselves seemingly helpless to do anything about it.


The app she developed allows people of all ages and backgrounds to apply the Body Life Skills program in their everyday life, whether that be at home, at school, in the workplace or out and about in the community.

This app supports people to understand and bring lasting change to unwanted behaviours used by self or any other person.

Currently, this app is only available on iOS (iPhone) with a web version in development.


© 2023 Tanya Curtis   ●   All Rights Reserved

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